
Title: “A First for First Years…. Curtin University’s First Orientation Week”

Amy Dawson


Curtin University of Technology is the largest Uni in WA with over 33000 students and 5000 staff. 2003 saw Curtin shift to a ’12 week teaching semester’ (previously 14 weeks) to align with other Australian universities. In compacting the teaching weeks it was recognised that students, especially first years, would need an ‘orientation’ week to get them off to an informal and friendly start.

Curtin’s first O week challenged the culture and nature of Curtin students and staff and requested they be proactive in connecting with the technology, the Student Guild, the wider community and each other. The evaluation data proves O week was valued by students and positively supported them with the transition to Uni and academic life.

The poster display is designed to present the orientation and transition programs and outcomes of Curtin’s first ever O week. It contains examples of innovative orientation activities, photos of O week and events and details of new first year transition programs. See how Curtin did it!

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