Title: ‘School to University’ Transition Program for Engineering Students
Dr Kanchana Jayasuriya, Frank Leahy, Paul Gruba, Jamie Evans, Harald
Sondergaard, Alistair Moffat and Julie Slaviero
The style of ‘independent’ learning that is expected at university
makes the transition to University a difficult and challenging process for many
of these students. This paper describes a Transition program for engineering
students, which introduces a series of individual topics or ideas. The program
aims to develop new skills as well as create a sense of community amongst the
student cohort. Enrolment in these seminars is optional but is strongly encouraged.
The following topics are offered: Getting to know the University; Diversity,
Rights & Responsibilities; Academic Values & Teaching Goals; Effective
Study & Resources; Continuing Success; Exam Preparation. In parallel with
these seminars students participate in a ‘scavenger hunt’ in the
form of a photo safari. The purpose of the scavenger hunt is for new students
to get to know some of the interesting people, places and myths of the University
of Melbourne. Students work in teams thereby enhancing their networking and
teamwork skills. Descriptions of the seminars, their implementation, expected
outcomes, feedback from students, possible extensions to the seminars and, the
scavenger hunt are all addressed.
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