Conference theme: Transition and Adjustment
Title: First Year at Uni
Helen Cameron and Frank Tesoriero
The well documented changes in the nature of higher education include expanding
student numbers and reduced funding. The increasing diversity of students’
educational backgrounds combined with many of them juggling the demands of study
and paid employment has inspired the development of a range of university services
for first year students, to aid transition and to provide more flexible educational
support services. However, we have little evidence in the School of Social Work
and Social Policy of the accessibility or appropriateness of these supports.
In an attempt to ascertain first year students’ levels of knowledge and
usage of supports, the authors administered a questionnaire to a year-one class
of students in the School of Social Work and Social Policy. The paper examines
the implications of these research results for developing strategies in providing
learning supports and targeted assistance in relation to transition issues for
first year students.