Conference Sessions

paper presentations

Paper presentations

nuts and bolts Nuts and bolts roundtable Roundtable discussion




Session 1

1A – N&B

Ms Jill Barker

PowerPoint Presentation

'Talk About Uni: considering university as a possible and desirable post-school pathway'

1B – PP

Dr Debra Bath

Do red apples differ from green apples?”: Using research-based learning to facilitate learning and engagement in a large first year course

1C – PP

Dr Judy Skene, Dr Lisa Cluett

'If you build it, they will come': The challenges of developing a social networking site in a university context

1D – PP

Ms Christabel Zhang, Dr Inka Havrila

Student Experience in a Frist Year Economics Unit at an Australian University Offshore Campus.

1E – PP

MS Rachael Field, Ms Judith McNamara,
Ms Natalie Cuffe

"Designing Reflective Assessment for Effective Learning of Legal Research Skills in First Year"

Session 2

2B – PP

Ms Patty Kamvounias, Dr Diane Dancer

Predicting success in a first-year unit of study

2C – PP

Prof Gail Huon, Tammy Robinson, Leanne Milne, Nicholas Barham, Andrew Yardy, Peter Santone

Learning and the Online Environment: A Web-based resource to support commencing students at the University of Newcastle

2D – N&B

Mr Brian Sweeney, Mr Matthew Hingston

Towards terra firma: making tracks in a pathless sea. Pathways to higher education for humanitarian entrant students.

2E – PP

Dr Helen Cameron

PowerPoint Presentation

Focusing Feedback for First Year Students’ Benefit

Session 3

3A – N&B

Prof Rod St Hill, Ms Carmel Cavaye

PowerPoint Presentation

Re-Orienting Orientation for On-Campus Students: The ‘Nuts & Bolts’ in the Faculty of Business at the University of Southern Queensland

3B – N&B

Ms Kirsten MacDonald, Mr Nick McGuigan

Don't drop the ball! Implementing a team building approach to support learning in a first year decision-making course.

3C – N&B

Mrs Donna Cooper

A DVD to assist students to develop their oral presentation skills

3D – PP

Ms Rebecca Carmichael, Ms Stephanie Fletcher, MS Piera Ibrahim, Ms Sally Brooks


PowerPoint Presentation

3Cs– Cross Cultural Communication Program: Enhancing professional, social and cultural transition for 1st year international student cohorts

3E – PP

Ms Anna Potter, Dr Kathy Lynch

PowerPoint Presentation

Quality feedback on assessment: apple for the teacher? How first year student perceptions of assessment feedback affect their engagement with study.

Session 4

4A – N&B

Dr Kym Cowley

Speed Dating and Lollipops: the development of an Orientation Program, by Continuing and Graduating Students and its Unintended Consequences.

4B – N&B

Ms Janine Chipperfield

Getting it together – enhancing outcomes for students, staff and institution through a FYE community of practice

4C – N&B

Ms Tracy Douglas, Ms Susan Salter

PowerPoint Presentation

Development and implementation of an interactive online resource linking foundation knowledge to anatomy, physiology and microbiology units for first year students

4D – N&B

Ms Janeene Payne

Indigenous Education– Understanding the Journey

4E – PP

Dr Ricardo Simeoni

Student reflection on physics assessment within an inaugural health foundation year

Session 5

5A – N&B

Assoc Prof Paul Bates

The Orientation Program for First Year Pilots

5B – RT

Ms Susan Salter, Ms Tracy Douglas,
Dr Simon Brown, Ms Christa Moch

Aren’t we all 60% water? or How does higher education address diversity in first year science students?

5C – N&B

Assoc Prof Katie Hughes,
Dr Brian Zammit

PowerPoint Presentation

Increasing Retention Through Innovative ICT Platforms

5D – PP

Ms Janet Von Randow,
Ms Colleen Bright

PowerPoint Presentation

Missed Opportunities: EAL students reflect on their first-year language experiences at and English-medium University. It is not where you start, but where you finish.

5E – N&B

Assoc Professor Michele Slatter,
Ms Lesley-Anne Petrie

Planting an apple tree, growing an orchard: establishing climate change for sustainable FYHE initiatives

Session 6

6A – PP

Assoc Prof Karen Nelson, Prof Sally Kift,
Adjunct Prof John Clarke

Expectations and realities for first year students at an Australian university

6B – PP

Assoc Prof Keithia Wilson,
Assoc Prof Alf Lizzio

PowerPoint Presentation

A ‘just in time intervention’ to support the academic efficacy of at-risk first-year students

6C – PP

Dr Elizabeth Godfrey

PowerPoint Presentation

University Education: Enculturation, Assimilation of just passengers on the bus?

6D – N&B

Ms Rebecca Carmichael, Ms Alison Brown,
Mr Rick Ryan

PowerPoint Presentation

An Apple a day: Supporting 1st year learning and teaching through academic mentoring & peer tutoring

Session 7

7A – PP

Assoc Prof Adrianne Kinnear, Heather Sparrow, Dr Mary Boyce, Sharon Middleton

PowerPoint Presentation

Perceptions of successful students: lessons for the First Year Experience.

7B – PP

Ms Karen Burke Da Silva, Ms Narelle Hunter, Ms Zonnetje Auburn

First Year Biology: A Dilemma for Mature Age Students

7C – N&B

Ms Iris Perkins, Ms Donna Baldwin, Ms Elizabeth Lavender

PowerPoint Presentation

Transition 2008: a First Year program from the heart of Australia’s Food-Bowl

7D – PP

Mrs Margaret Flanders, Ms Karen Seary, Ms Michele Palu

STEPS toward Retention: a case study

7E – PP

Ms Jasmine Steer

Innovative engineering first year learning space: Early exploration of students’ experience at The University of Queensland

Session 8

8A – N&B

MS Kim Holmes, Dr Jean McConachie

Griffith Honours College, a centralised approach to student engagement: Creating a sense of belonging to the university community

8B – N&B

Dr Margot Duncan, Assoc Prof Karen Nelson

The Student Success Project: Helping students at risk of failing or withdrawing from a unit - a work in progress

8C – N&B

Ms Mandy Bishop

PowerPoint Presentation

Creating and delivering radical change … overnight!

8D – PP

Dr Ian Wells, Prof Sally Kift, Ms Rachael Field

FYE2: Recognising and Acting on the Synergies Between the First and Final Year Experiences in Legal Education

8E – PP

Dr Valda Miller, Ms Elwyn Oldfield, Dr Averil Cook, Mr Graham Jordan, Dr Marie Kavanagh

Peer Assisted Study Sessions: guidelines for structural and operational success in multi-disciplinary learning communities

Session 9

9A – PP

Dr Peter Johnson, Ms Janine Chipperfield

Enhancing and rewarding engagement within a multi-disciplinary Health foundation year : the "Pharm-First" program

9B – N&B

Ms Kathryn Boin, Ms Rebecca Lever

PowerPoint Presentation

‘You are Here’: The Continuum of Student Engagement as a tool for coordinating transition

9C – PP

Dr Karen Noble, Dr Robyn Henderson

Spatial imaginaries and the student learning journey in higher education: Transition as a contested space

9D – N&B

Ms Narelle Palmer, Ms Jayne Brown

PowerPoint PresentationNotes

Keeping them keen without treating them mean: Strategies for successfully retaining quality student volunteers

9E – N&B

Ms Sheila Webber

Using inquiry-based approaches with first year undergraduates

Session 10

10A – RT

Ms Margaret Henley, Ms Janet von Randow

PowerPoint Presentation

'Lost' - how to suss the code, crack the hatch & get off the island: a student perspective on surviving the First Year Experience

10C – RT

Ms Kay Distel

Could a Social model of disability-empower all diverse learners

10D – N&B

Ms Georgina Barratt-See

PowerPoint Presentation

The Nuts and Bolts of Peer Mentoring at UNSW

10E – RT

Ms Jasmine Steer, Dr Lynn Burnett

Maintaining and sustaining innovative first year practice: How and why?

Poster presentations

Poster 1

Janet Von Randow

No ‘shame’ attached to biting into this particular apple: identifying and addressing first-year students academic language needs.

Poster 2

Pamela Louderback

Successful First Year Experience: Sociocultural Factors for Indigenous Peoples

Poster 3

Tracy Douglas

Innovative learning resources – Incorporating fun into first year cell biology

keynote addresses

Publishing details