Theme |
Room(s) |
A - Student Populations and Diversity |
Z302 |
B - Support Systems and Programs |
Z305 & Z306 |
C - Transition and adjustment |
Z308 & Z309 & Z301 |
D - Strategies and Innovations In Teaching and Learning |
Z411 & Z401 & Z406 & Z413 |
E - Program Management |
Z413 |
F - Policy Directions |
Z413 |
Parallel Session 1: 6th July 11.45am - 12.30 |
Theme A |
Facilitating research writing in the new millennium |
Room Z302 |
Theme B |
An evaluation of students' perceptions of a multi-faceted support programme in a large, diverse first year class |
Room Z305 |
Theme B2 |
First year students' perceptions of writing difficulties in science "I didn't expect it to be so different to school" |
Room Z306 |
Theme C |
Web Based Teaching and Learning System for First Year Engineering Computing |
Room Z308 |
Theme C2 |
Online Learning Support: an Action Research Project |
Room Z309 |
Theme C3 |
The "role" of an Effective Learner Programme on 'Approaches of Studying' of First-year students in the Hong Kong Polytechnic University - Current trend and future directions |
Room Z301 |
Theme D |
Teaching Thinking and Writing to First Year Nurses |
Room Z411 |
Theme D2 |
Developing learning-to-learn skills in first year students |
Room Z401 |
Theme D3 |
Making knowledge claims in a postcolonial world: international postgraduate students' academic writing |
Room Z406 |
Theme E |
Causes of Attrition in First Year Students in Arts, Health and Sciences and Recommendation for Intervention |
Room Z413 |
Parallel Session 2: 6th July 2.15 - 3.00 |
Theme A |
Rethinking diversity: re-theorising transition as a process of engaging, negotiating and mastering the discourses and multiliteracies of an unfamiliar culture rather than as a problem of deficit |
Room Z302 |
Theme B |
Student Involvement and Transition: A Role for Peer Tutoring? |
Room Z305 |
Theme B2 |
Surviving First Year in Higher Education |
Room Z306 |
Theme C |
Expanded future opportunities provided by a bridging course at a regional university campus |
Room Z308 |
Theme C2 |
Modelling students at risk |
Room Z309 |
Theme C3 |
'A Jump Start�' A series of programs to assist entering students progress successfully through their first year of study |
Room Z301 |
Theme D |
TULIP (Tertiary Undergraduate Literacy Integration Program): A project that focuses on the literacy development of tertiary students |
Room Z411 |
Theme D2 |
Introductory Chemistry for Science Majors. Can we Match the Syllabus and the Students? |
Room Z401 |
Theme D3 |
An Evaluation of an Integrative Framework of Student Characteristics and Learning Approaches |
Room Z406 |
Theme F |
Partnerships and Participation: Developing a University-Wide Transition Program |
Room Z413 |
Parallel Session 3: 6th July 3.30 - 4.15 |
Theme A |
The typical American introductory psychology textbook and its coverage of cultural diversity |
Room Z302 |
Theme B |
Students' perceptions of academic support designed to counter the effects of "underpreparedness" |
Room Z305 |
Theme B2 |
Interactive Learning of Exploratory Data Analysis Through Computer Visualisation |
Room Z306 |
Theme C |
Flexible Learning - What students think |
Room Z308 |
Theme C2 |
Science 101: A pilot program aimed at facilitating transition into Science at the University of Melbourne |
Room Z309 |
Theme C3 |
Mature age students in transition: Factors contributing to their success in first year |
Room Z301 |
Theme D |
Teaching and Planning Innovations in Sociology at RMIT |
Room Z411 |
Theme D2 |
The development of metacognitive skills among first year science students |
Room Z401 |
Theme D3 |
A Virtual Learning Environment: supporting student learning on-line |
Room Z406 |
Theme D4 |
Title |
Room Z413 |
Parallel Session 4: 7th July 9.00 - 9.45 |
Theme A |
With a Little Help From My Friends: Social Interactions on Campus and their Role in the First Year Experience |
Room Z302 |
Theme B |
The importance of forming social and academic networks for students in transition to university study |
Room Z305 |
Theme B2 |
School of Psychology Peer Mentoring Pilot Programme |
Room Z306 |
Theme C |
First Year Students' Expectations of Working in Culturally Diverse Small Groups at University |
Room Z308 |
Theme C2 |
English entry levels and academic success |
Room Z309 |
Theme C3 |
The Introduction of an Integrated First Year Experience: Some Lessons Learned |
Room Z301 |
Theme D |
Learning Teams and Learning Diaries in First Year Business Studies: Balancing Student Independence and Support in Course Design and Curriculum Development |
Room Z411 |
Theme D2 |
Teamwork in Unit Coordination |
Room Z401 |
Theme D3 |
Tertiary Education that Works for the Students! An exploration of how one tertiary education provider is attempting to meet the needs of non-traditional tertiary education students enrolled in a degree program |
Room Z406 |
Theme D4 |
Encouraging Creativity in University Education by Using Metaphors and Rich Pictures |
Room Z413 |
Parallel Session 5: 7th July 9.45 - 10.30 |
Theme A |
Space for Maori in Tertiary Institutions |
Room Z302 |
Theme B |
Monitoring and assisting student academic progress: results of a student progress initiative in the Faculty of Arts at Monash University |
Room Z305 |
Theme B2 |
The impact of personal computers on physical and psychological health: Strategies for staying in the "zone" |
Room Z306 |
Theme C |
The transition to University. Understanding differences in success |
Room Z308 |
Theme C2 |
Transition to university - a holistic approach: A case study of the Monash Transition Program |
Room Z309 |
Theme C3 |
An Assessment of the Academic and Social Integration as Perceived by the Students in the University of Papua New Guinea |
Room Z301 |
Theme D |
Sharing Knowings: enhancing a culturally and socially responsible curriculum |
Room Z411 |
Theme D2 |
Working together - does it help? |
Room Z401 |
Theme D3 |
A Peer Assistance Support Scheme (PASS) for First Year Core Subjects |
Room Z406 |
Parallel Session 6: 7th July 11.45 - 12.30 |
Theme B |
What lecturers want: an investigation of lecturers' expectations in first year essay writing tasks |
Room Z305 |
Theme B2 |
Towards learning support strategies that work: reflections on language experiences of first year students at the University of North West |
Room Z306 |
Theme C |
Factors Related to Student Satisfaction with University |
Room Z308 |
Theme C2 |
Approbation and Apprehension. Coping with the first year of tertiary Business Study |
Room Z309 |
Theme C3 |
Transition and text: a progress report of a web-based writing resource project |
Room Z301 |
Theme D |
Authentic Student Learning: Assisting Students to become Constructive Learners in a First Year Computer Science Unit |
Room Z411 |
Theme D2 |
Increasing Student Participation in a First Year Materials Engineering Service Subject Taken by Mechanical Engineers |
Room Z401 |
Theme D3 |
The craft of academic writing and the first year experience: the importance of marker to student communication |
Room Z406 |
Theme D4 |
Excitement and anxiety in the first-year experiential classroom |
Room Z413 |